Ci-dessous la liste des fournisseurs cloud et des régions Europe disponibles.
Below is a list of available cloud providers and Europe regions.
- 8 Cloud providers,
- 3 technologies pour de HybridCloud (LXD, OpenStack, External Linux Host),
- 15 pays
- 23 localisations
Europe Countries and Regions
Country | Number of Regions | Number of Providers | Providers |
Austria | 2 | 1 | exoscale |
Belgium | 2 | 2 | gcp, ovh |
Bulgaria | 1 | 1 | exoscale |
England | 2 | 2 | aws, ovh |
Finlande | 1 | 1 | gcp |
France | 11 | 6 | aws, azure, gcp, outscale, ovh, scaleway |
Germany | 6 | 5 | aws, azure, exoscale, gcp, ovh |
Ireland | 2 | 2 | aws, azure |
Italia | 1 | 2 | gcp, ovh |
Netherlands | 4 | 3 | azure, gcp, scaleway |
Norway | 1 | 1 | azure |
Poland | 2 | 2 | ovh, scaleway |
Spain | 1 | 1 | ovh |
Sweden | 1 | 1 | aws |
Switzerland | 4 | 3 | azure, exoscale, infomaniak |
hybridCloud | lxd, openstack, external host Ubuntu |
Europe Regions & Cloud providers per country
Region Name | SLUG | Provider | Country |
AT-VIE-1 | at-vie-1 | exoscale | Austria |
AT-VIE-2 | at-vie-2 | exoscale | Austria |
BE (Bruxelles) | EU-WEST-LZ-BRU-A | ovh | Belgium |
Saint-Ghislain, Belgique | europe-west1 | gcp | Belgium |
BG-SOF-1 | bg-sof-1 | exoscale | Bulgaria |
EU (London) | eu-west-2 | aws | England |
UK (London) | UK1 | ovh | England |
FIN (Hamina) | europe-north1 | gcp | Finlande |
EU (Paris) | eu-west-3 | aws | France |
France Central | francecentral | azure | France |
FR (Gravelines) | GRA11 | ovh | France |
FR (Roubaix) | RBX-A | ovh | France |
FR (Strasgourg) | SBG7 | ovh | France |
Paris, France | europe-west9 | gcp | France |
Magny-les-Hameaux, France | eu-west-2 | outscale | France |
Paris 2 | fr-par-2 | scaleway | France |
Paris 3 | fr-par-3 | scaleway | France |
FR (Marseille) | EU-WEST-LZ-MRS-A | ovh | France |
Paris 1 | fr-par-1 | scaleway | France |
EU (Frankfurt) | eu-central-1 | aws | Germany |
Germany West Central | germanywestcentral | azure | Germany |
DE-MUC-1 | de-muc-1 | exoscale | Germany |
Francfort, Allemagne | europe-west3 | gcp | Germany |
DE (Frankfurt) | DE1 | ovh | Germany |
DE-FRA-1 | de-fra-1 | exoscale | Germany |
EU (Ireland) | eu-west-1 | aws | Ireland |
North Europe | northeurope | azure | Ireland |
West Europe | westeurope | azure | Netherlands |
Eemshaven, Pays-Bas | europe-west4 | gcp | Netherlands |
Amsterdam 2 | nl-ams-2 | scaleway | Netherlands |
Amsterdam 1 | nl-ams-1 | scaleway | Netherlands |
Norway East | norwayeast | azure | Norway |
Warsaw 1 | pl-waw-1 | scaleway | Poland |
PL (Warszawa) | WAW1 | ovh | Poland |
ES (Madrid) | EU-SOUTH-LZ-MAD-A | ovh | Spain |
EU (Stockholm) | eu-north-1 | aws | Sweden |
Switzerland North | switzerlandnorth | azure | Switzerland |
dc3-a (Suisse) | dc3-a | infomaniak | Switzerland |
CH-GVA-2 | ch-gva-2 | exoscale | Switzerland |
CH-DK-2 | ch-dk-2 | exoscale | Switzerland |
openstack (private / hybridCloud) | openstack | openstack | hybridCloud |
LXD (private / hybridCloud) | lxd | lxd | hybridCloud |
External Host (private / hybridCloud) | External Host | Ubuntu | hybridCloud |